Global warming has been here Since the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, when we started releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. In today’s world global warming has been such a big impact, in most of the news to date. Global warming has affected the polar ice caps causing many implications for the planet especially for icebergs and the ice in the Arctic or Antarctic and to the world oceans.

Because Global warming has affected Arctic’s temperature and region, the temperature is rising twice as fast than anywhere else in the world. The polar ice caps are getting thinner and melting cause the ice to crack. The melting of the polar ice caps are already affecting native people, wildlife and plants.
A bigger question that we are asking ourselves if the melting of the polar ice caps are going to affect any other region besides the polar and the answer is yes. While the ice is melting from the Arctic the sea level will begin to rise causing the low-lying areas around the world with beach erosion, coastal flooding, and contamination of freshwater supplies.
I also did my blog on global warming and one of my effects was the melting of polar ice caps. I never looked at this issue as a problem until I learned about it. I agree that with todays technology we should be able to stop global warming and prevent ice caps from melting.