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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Save Some Water

Water conservation should not be considered an option any longer. Current circumstances require our full attention if we hope to succeed as an evolution. If these reports sound intense, it is because much of the world is currently suffering due to a lack of clean water.

Statistics show that around the world that our fresh water supply is practically unreal. This is why it is so important to seek out, find and start using all the innovative water conservation solutions and methods that are available today.

Whether you live in Australia or China or the United States, it is time to wake up and take responsibility. It is easy to practice water conservation in the home, but there is more to be done. Our world needs help on a commercial level as well so that our waste can be controlled in such areas as food production and irrigation.

Huge amounts of water are lost every year due to unattended faucet leaks, using outdated appliances, excessive clothes washing, showering, washing cars, gardening, and other everyday household activities.
Water Conservation ideas are cropping up in exciting law courts and in Washington D.C. That's why our participation in the voting process is so important. Let's act now, so our kids will have a brighter, greener future.

We can help by not using water where it is unnecessary like, washing driveways, washing trucks frequently, etc. These things can be done with less water or without using any water. Another thing that can really help the water conserving method is if everyone installed a dual flush system is probably the single most significant water saving invention to date.The Dual Flush toilet that was developed 25 years ago in Australia is such a success story that it has been mandatory throughout Australia for many years, and most of the country has been retrofitted with Dual Flush, significantly reducing the strain on their fresh water supply.

If we all made simples steps such as these it would help slow down global warming and help us keep the earth alive.

Planting Trees Does Help

What role does planting trees have on global warming you may ask?

Planting tree’s helps reduce global warming by giving us clean air. If this is done correctly it will help reduce carbon dioxide, living trees breathe in carbon dioxide also known as C02. But when they die, they ROT, and when they rot, all the carbon they stored over the years will be oxidized and released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Some part of it will be transferred to the soil. But in places like the Amazon Rain Forest, the soil is too thin to hold much carbon, so very little goes into the soil and what little does is rapidly released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. On the other hand, if, instead of allowing trees to die and rot, we were to HARVEST the trees, turn them into lumber, and treat them to prevent rot, the carbon therein would be sequestered (prevented from oxidizing into the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) almost indefinite.

But it is not only planting trees we need to plant trees in the right location. Because trees are generally dark in color and have a large surface area they absorb a lot of heat from the Sun and so it's important to plant them in a place where in the earth would absorb a lot of heat anyway. The ideal place for this is in the Equatorial regions. If you plant a tree in the more northerly or southerly latitudes it can actually contribute to global warming by absorbing more heat than would have been the case if it weren't there. To put it into some sort of perspective, the amount of heat absorbed and given off by a single average sized tree in a year is about the same amount of energy that an average house uses in 3 days.

So the ideal trees to plant are trees bearing fruits or nuts or that produce rubber, oils, resins etc and which are planted in the Equatorial regions. Over their lifetimes these trees will cause a net reduction in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Hotter It Gets The More Hurricanes We Get

It i said that Global Warming is affecting our oceans today causing Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones. The number of severe hurricanes has doubled worldwide even though the total number of hurricanes has dropped over the last 35 years, a new study finds. The increase in major storms like Katrina coincides with a global increase of sea surface temperatures, which scientists say is an effect of global warming. The possible relationship between global warming and hurricane strength has been a topic of controversy for years.

New study supports that in July, in which climatologist Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology showed for the first time that major storms in both the Atlantic and the Pacific since the 1970s have increased in duration and intensity by about 50 percent.

When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005 it become one of the deadliest hurricane and costliest hurricanes in recorded history. She also intensified the global warming debate as scientists pointed towards her gales as evidence of global warming’s destruction. Even before Hurricane Katrina hit, scientists had been predicting an increase in strong hurricanes.

How are Hurricanes being formed you may ask? Mark Henderson connects the increase in hurricanes to global warming by noting that hurricanes need warm air to form and that ocean surface temperatures have increased by 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit (0.5 C) over the past 35 years.

If we do not stop the green gases which are causing global warming temperature to increase we may have a worst hurricane the hurricane Katrina. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Recycling, Reusing, Reducing.

What is recycling? Recycling involves processing used materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production.  Many people do not know this but recycling can be a major help to save the environment and help prevent Global Warming. Many of our daily materials we use on a day to day life can be recycled such as glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics.

If everyone in the earth started to recycle it will reduce the garbage placed in landfills, which helps the environment by reducing the need for new landfills. There are over 3,000 active landfills in the United States and over 10,000 old municipal landfills. But many people do not know is that the garbage that they are throwing away is Biodegradable which there for is making the United States to open more landfills.  Items that are biodegradable are supposed to decay quickly, are taking decades to decay when sealed off from air and water

Another great reason why we should recycle more is for the fact that if we recycle paper that would mean less tress to cut down and various types of 'hot' gases that are heating up the planet include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. These gases create higher temperatures, as they emit more energy than simple oxygen or nitrogen and they harm our protective ozone layer that keeps much of the sun's heat and harmful radiation from the surface of the planet.

I will like to leave you all with this! Recycling is a great form to help decrease global warming and help save the planet just remember the power is yours to make a change and just remember to send it on. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Polar Ice Caps To Date

Global warming has been here Since the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, when we started releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. In today’s world global warming has been such a big impact, in most of the news to date. Global warming has affected the polar ice caps causing many implications for the planet especially for icebergs and the ice in the Arctic or Antarctic and to the world oceans.

The total global temperature has increase among the years 1850 to 2005 is 0.76°C (1.36°F) and the rate of warming averaged over the last 50 years is nearly twice that for the last 100 years. This makes specialist and scientist watch the ice caps very closely. Scientist believe now is because of “harbinger of things to come”.
Because Global warming has affected Arctic’s temperature and region, the temperature is rising twice as fast than anywhere else in the world. The polar ice caps are getting thinner and melting cause the ice to crack. The melting of the polar ice caps are already affecting native people, wildlife and plants.

Wildlife such as Polar bears, whales, walrus and seals are changing their feeding and migration patterns, making it harder for native people to hunt them. And along Arctic coastlines, entire villages will be uprooted because they're in danger of being swamped. The native people of the Arctic are viewing global warming as a threat to their cultural identity and their very survival.

A bigger question that we are asking ourselves if the melting of the polar ice caps are going to affect any other region besides the polar and the answer is yes. While the ice is melting from the Arctic the sea level will begin to rise causing the low-lying areas around the world with beach erosion, coastal flooding, and contamination of freshwater supplies.

Can we stop global warming and the Ice Caps from melting; the answer is yes we can! We need to stop wasting energy such as fossil fuel, oil, coal and gas and start generating other wise to use a different source of energy such as wind, sun and modernized power planets. With today’s technology in the world we can do a lot to prevent and stop global warming and the ice caps from melting. 
